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Digestible and Net Energy Content of Peas in Weaned Pigs, Growing Pigs and Gestating Sows

Digestible and Net Energy Content of Peas in Weaned Pigs, Growing Pigs and Gestating Sows

Since peas have high DE, NE and lysine content, they have become an essential feed ingredient in swine production. Weaned pigs, growing pigs and gestating sows may have different DE and NE values. Different peas grown in Western Canada vary due to variable growing conditions as well. Prediction equations will be looked at based on chemical composition. The DE contents ranged from 3.23 to 4.55 Mcal DE/kg DM in growing pigs and 3.44 to 4.05 Mcal DE/kg DM in sows. On average, the DE content was 0.208 Mcal DE/kg DM higher in 50 kg pigs compared to 20 kg pigs. Growing pigs and sows had no difference observed. The NE content was 69% on average of the DE content. Chemical composition and DE content could not be correlated. Large pigs were shown to better digest peas compared to weaned pigs.
Digestible and Net Energy Content of Peas in Weaned Pigs, Growing Pigs and Gestating Sows (full article)