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Will Hogs Provided with Whey Compensate in Feed and Water Intake?

Minimizing feed cost is always important for improving profits in swine production and can sometimes be accomplished by utilizing by-products from other agricultural industries. Whey, a product of the dairy processing industry, has well-known beneficial properties as a feed additive and is typically fed to newly weaned pigs in...

Field Testing of an Air Filtration System for Transport

The spread of airborne transmissible disease such as PRRS continues to be a serious threat to the Canadian swine industry as this disease causes significant economic losses to infected herds. Th is project aimed to develop an additional line of defense against infection of airborne diseases by designing an...

Can Group-Housed Sows Raised at Lower Temperatures?

In this project, an operant mechanism that will allow sows housed in a group system to control their own environmental temperature was developed. Th e mechanism was configured with a manual control switch that the sows can access and operate, which in turn activated the supplementary room heating system,...

Quantifying the Prevalence of Lameness and Hoof Lesions

Th e aim of this survey was to collect information on the prevelance of lameness and hoof lesions on genetic nucleus herds, to help provide baseline information on the prevelance of lameness and hoof lesions in Canadian sows. Six genetic herds were visited, located in AB, SK, MB, ON...

Nanaparticles for Controlling Disease – Causing Microorganisms in Pig Barns

Laboratory-scale tests were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of various types of commercially-available nanoparticles on the levels of microorganisms commonly encountered in swine barns.  Results indicate Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles had the highest antimicrobial efficacy among all the nanoparticles tested. Further experiments carried out in the barn indicated that partial...

Geothermal Systems for Heating & Cooling in Swine Barns

This study assessed the applicability of a geothermal system in swine production facilities. In-barn evaluation of the impact of the geothermal system on energy use, thermal environment, greenhouse gas emissions, and animal performance was conducted by comparing a swine grow-finish room with geothermal system to a conventional production room with...

Assessing Whey to Reduce Feed Cost

Deproteinized whey permeate is a by-product of the cheese-making industry. Depending on the type of cheese being produced it can be categorized as “sweet whey” or “acid whey”, the latter contains about 4.7% organic acids. The objective of this experiment was to determine the response of weanling pigs to...

Effect of Dietary Calcium and Phosphorus in Sows

This study was designed to determine the influence of Ca and P intake by young, gestating sows on the growth and skeletal development of their developing piglets and if smaller birthweight piglets are at greater risk from mineral insufficiency during gestation. A total of 30 sows were randomly assigned...

Can Flaxseed Replace Antibiotics in Starter Diets?

We hypothesized that feeding n-3 FA’s to sows in the form of flaxseed would allow for the removal of Ab’s in starter feeds. Based on the findings from this trial, we can neither accept nor reject this hypothesis, as we found that in our high health herd, Ab’s...